Figurative Works
Taking Care of Business, oil, acrylic, and collage on Mylar on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
Begone!, oil, acrylic, and collage on Mylar on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
The Was that Was, Isn't the Is that Is, oil, acrylic, and collage on Mylar on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
Invasion, oil, acrylic, and collage on Mylar on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
Girl with Doll, oil and wax on wood panel, 16 x 16 in.
Girrls, oil and acrylic on Mylar on wood panel, 16 x 20 in.
Before, oil & acrylic on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
During, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
After, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
The Wait, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 24 x 18 in.
Still Just Waiting, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 24 x 18 in.
Against the Grain, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 20 x 24 in.
Scapegoat, oil over wax on wood panel, 22 x 22 in.
The Good Girl, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 24 x 24 in.
Me Time, oil, acrylic, and collage on canvas, 28 x 23 in.
Denouement, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 24 x 24 in.
Hope Springs, oil, acrylic, and sand on canvas, 24 x 30 in.
Lord of the Manor, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 24 x 20 in.
Solace, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 20 x 24 in.